Share Withdrawal Reminder 06/01/21

As of 1st October 2020, Right Way Credit Union implemented a maximum of 13 share withdrawals* per year for all members. Your credit union account is a savings account, and we encourage members to only save what they can afford and not deposit money that they need for daily/weekly expenses. We contacted members with this information in August 2020 via our newsletter […]

Rothesay Reopening

We are pleased to let members know that our Rothesay branch will reopen on Tuesday 24th November 2020. The office will be open from 11am – 2pm for deposits only at this time.  You can access your account 24/7 by downloading our mobile app using the links below – Download our App – Android iOS For more […]

International Credit Union Day 2020

Today we are celebrating International Credit Union Day® This year’s theme is “Inspiring Hope for a Global Community.” Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, credit unions around the globe have continued to provide a high level of service to their members and demonstrated a generosity to their local communities that has set them apart from other financial […]