Share Withdrawal Reminder 06/01/21

As of 1st October 2020, Right Way Credit Union implemented a maximum of 13 share withdrawals* per year for all members. Your credit union account is a savings account, and we encourage members to only save what they can afford and not deposit money that they need for daily/weekly expenses.

We contacted members with this information in August 2020 via our newsletter and sent a reminder email in September 2020. This information is also displayed on our website and in our office.

If you have reached your request limit, you will no longer be eligible for a share withdrawal, call us on 01418897442 or email for further information.

If you pay in by standing order or payroll deduction, please ensure the amount you have coming in is a saveable amount E.g., £1 per week. If you feel that you are unable to save at the present time, please cancel your standing order/payroll until you are able to save.

*This excludes Christmas Savers Accounts.